My Writing Journey
I was a guest on Women Writers Women's Books
I began as a writer creating short stories when I was thirteen. Fan fiction mostly, from various television shows I liked such as Star Trek. Also, some popular shows from back in the day I blush about now as they do not hold up over the course of time, but not much does unless it has good writing.

In 2015 I first began thinking about what I’d do with myself after I retired from analyst work in the information technology world. It was an easy choice, I wanted to write full time.
Back then, Harlequin ran a writing contest ‘So You Think You Can Write’. In addition to the announced contest, they held online workshops for novice writers. Editors would give you feedback and help contestants polish their efforts in aid of producing a romance novel which could possibly win a publishing contract. I ended up 55th out of over twenty-eight hundred entries. This was my first full length book, The Shape of Us, a paranormal romance which spawned the VIC Shapeshifters series. These books contained a mystery as well as a happy ever after ending for the romantic pair featured.
I realized I like writing the mystery part the most. I switched gears to the Musgrave Landing Mysteries and Death and Cupcakes was the first in that series. Salt Spring Island on the west coast of Canada is the setting for this isolated village. I am currently working on the fourth novel, Storm Stayed which is due to be released in 2024. There is still a dash of romance and of course humour in each book.
After I’d written a couple, I got a new idea, the Adam Norcross series. What does a spy do on their days off? Solve murders of course. This led to The Wrong Words. These Adam Norcross books require more research since I use science as a theme for them. The first was centered around climate change, the second, out in April of this year was archaeology. I can not yet confirm the theme for the next one, but Sergeant Beth Leith and Norcross will team up again to solve another murder.