~ Author of the VIC Shapeshifter series ~
~ Musgrave Landing Mysteries ~
~ Adam Norcross Mysteries
Adam Norcross Mysteries
Adam Norcross has many talents he employes in his clandestine job working for Walter Shapiro. On his business cards it should read international troubleshooter. Instead, people think he’s a dull analyst. Sergeant Bethany Leith knows who he really is and has no problem involving Norcross in her murder investigations. The trouble is, where Norcross goes, political intrigue seems to follow.

The Right Road - Adam Norcross Mystery
Digging up the past can be murder.
Adam Norcross has recently returned from a foreign assignment. Bent on settling his mother’s estate, Norcross is interrupted by his boss for a new task. Find RCMP Sergeant Bethany Leith. He also wants to know how her career has gone so wrong she is suspended.
When Adam tracks Beth to her parent’s farm in Saskatchewan they are drawn into a suspicious death investigation on her family’s land. Norcross knows it’s murder. The victim is someone Nick Leith, Beth’s father, has a troubled history with. What about the archaeologist team digging on the same property, are they involved?
Norcross will use every tool at his disposal to solve the murder and help Bethany Leith. Including navigating his way through the political intrigue surrounding the case against her.
Nominated for the Saskatchewan Book Awards 2024

The Wrong Words​
A death on the Malahat, Norcross knows it's murder.
Adam Norcross is not in a good place right now. Recently, he buried his author mother. Still, he needs something more than the power struggle between him and his mother's cat to distract him from his grief. That something comes in the form of an assignment from his boss, Walter Shapiro. Shapiro is not a patient man, not surprising since he reports directly to the prime minister. He interrupts Norcross while during his leave on Vancouver Island and demands results. Norcross’ task is to find out how the country's most eminent climate scientist ended up dead in his car off the highway in a mountain ravine. Was it an accident or suicide? As soon as he speaks to Shapiro, Norcross’ unique precognitive ability tells him is something else, something darker.
Sergeant Bethany Leith is not thrilled to have Norcross stepping on her toes. Even though her second Constable Bighetty, is willing to give Norcross the benefit of the double. Once he inserts himself into Leith's suspicious death inquiry, Norcross will use his investigative knowledge and unusual talents to help her uncover who wanted Doctor Flete dead and why.
Salish University is ground zero for the investigation. Among those involved are Flete's dean, his wife, and his new girlfriend. Then there are his colleagues, some of whom denounced Doctor Flete’s important work, along with a woman from Adam Norcross' past.
Musgrave Landing Mysteries

Storm Stayed
Welcome back to Musgrave Landing. Accessible by ferry across the Samsum Narrows, this island village is home to some quirky characters and some even odder visitors. Sometimes the visitors bring misfortune with them and other times the villagers supply their own brand of trouble. Whether the people are locals or from away, apparently a few are capable of murder.
Maisy Wyatt, is on loan from Jane’s Eats & Treats to Mrs. Roque. The housekeeper has a grand vision for the Highmere House Conference Centre. She has spared no expense with the food or service for the minor literary celebrities who will be their first guests. It won’t matter if the December weather turns bad, it takes a lot to faze Mrs. Roque.
The other new employee Tiffany Zach, will work alongside Maisy to care and feed a cantankerous group of authors from Dunn Wolf Publishing. The situation doesn’t improve when the lead author and owner of the publishing house, Ziola Nutt, announces she has a six-figure media contract with a video streaming company. This news causes shock, disappointment, and anger among the rest of the writers when they find out she will not give them credit for their work, nor any of the royalties.
Worse still, the electricity goes out during a nasty storm. Cell phones are going dead, roads are blocked by fallen trees, and ferry traffic is halted. No one can get off the island. Not even the murderer.

Condo Crazy - Book 3
Will Gladys' cottage bakery survive the mayhem?
Welcome back to Musgrave Landing.
Gladys Wyatt is busy with her home bakery business. She needs to keep up with the expenses on her new condo. It would help if Linda would stop flooding the place. Freddie isn’t much bother by the damage Linda's causes. He is more caught up in defending his medical plants from Lara Finkle, the one-time mistress of the late embezzler mayor. How can she afford a unit in the new building anyway? Arlie Birch thinks he knows, but not everyone agrees.
It would also be great if Enid, the building manager and Dwayne, the condo board president, would stop coming up with new bylaws that threaten her bakery business. This makes the condo board meetings quite contentious.
Gladys suspects it was the thief who injured Matthew's dog.
She is shocked to find a body, half outside of the garage. Could the thief also be responsible for the murder? She reminds her granddaughter to keep the condo doors locked, but will that be enough?
Fun with Funerals - Book 2
BWL Print 978-0-2286-1256-8 LSI/Ingram 978-0-2286-1257-5 Barnes & Noble 978-0-2286-1258-2 Amazon Print 978-0-2286-1255-1
Is it murder if there is no body?
Alicia Highmere is heading home, back to Musgrave Landing after a call from her mother’s care home. Accompanied by her bodyguard, Bryce Graham, Alicia won’t know until she gets there that Olivia Frost-Highmere is manipulating events regarding the estranged family members to suit her agenda.
Part of the reason the family has fallen out is due to the disappearance of Allister Highmere, some twenty years ago. Alicia’s father vanished without a trace upsetting the family company and leaving the seat of CEO vacant. Uncle Hugo had his eye on the power seat and accused Olivia of murder to get it, but is it murder if there’s no body?
When a corpse is discovered in the family cemetery, where there shouldn’t be one, the cold case regarding Allister Highmere is reopened. Alicia has no idea who in the family or the Highmere estate staff is involved, but she will find out.
ASIN B07L1R5T96 ISBN-10: 0228605024 ISBN-13: 978-0228605027
ISBN 978-1-7387959-5-6 (PRINT) ISBN 978-1-7387959-4-9
Jane is going home to Musgrave Landing and nothing will ever be the same.
Jane Westcott has come home to the village of Musgrave Landing and nothing will be the same again. She has inherited her aunt's cafe and a good thing too. Her personal finances are in a shambles. Jane must make a go of the business and leave her past in Vancouver behind.
She plans to run the small café by the ferry wharf and bake to her heart's content until her sister receives a letter from their dead aunt, which alludes to finding a key. But where is Jane’s letter? On top of this, the mayor has gone missing and an old flame, Jack Birch, comes back into her life.
The trouble is, the mayor gets himself murdered, and Jack finds the body with the help of Vimy, a former K-9 from the RCMP. Jack also finds a letter on the body addressed to Jane, and he is worried she was somehow involved with the village's philandering mayor, Tim Stanhope.
As the investigation unfolds, it turns out that money has gone missing from the village accounts and an old friend of Jane’s, Dirk Ipkiss, might be involved. Then there's the fact that Jack found the murder weapon, and it belongs to Jane.
VIC ShapeShifters World

Into the Wood
VIC Shapeshifter short story collection
Brown Wolf Publishing
ISBN - 978-0-9952012-3-1
Miss Agnes and the Garry Oaks - Witches can be so territorial. It comes from being one of several guardians and watchers tasked with keeping evil out and innocents from getting hurt.
The Wolf of Crofton Lake - Courtney is being stalked.
Finding the Wolf - Excerpt from Magic's Price - book 4, coming in 2022
Monster Makeup - Demons, movie, actors, and shapeshifters to the rescue. Oh, and the local witch.

Trusting the Wolf
Book 3
Brown Wolf Publishing
There's all kinds of dangerous...
Charlotte Fistbinder, is cocky on the outside and guilt ridden on the inside. She missed the signs of a traitor in the pack's midst before, now as the new head of VIC pack security, Charlotte fears she isn't fit for the job. Especially when a rival pack threatens one of her own.
When Zavier Koering's meets Charlotte for the first time in their wolf shapes, at night, in the wood, and in the flesh, it was everything he’d hoped for. But Zav has a job to do and there is more involved than teaching security and weapons to Charlotte and her team. He is going to need detailed and strategic plan.

Hell Cat
Book 2 - Nominated for the Ethel Wilson Award for Fiction
Brown Wolf Publishing
Some secrets are too dangerous to share...
For shapeshifter Helly Cooper, blood is blood. She is returning to Vancouver Island to find her brother’s killer. Yes, she has unfinished business, personal business with her old boss, Will Conall. But right now, Will can either help or get the hell out of her way. Especially after she discovers an even deadlier plot involving pack politics, revenge, and twisted magic.

The Shape Of Us
Book 1
Who knew there were shapeshifters on Vancouver Island?
After years of coming in under the radar, someone knows about the Pack and that someone is after the kids.
Jess Raiway, the pack mage, has been forced out by her Alpha Lasha Cooper. The Alpha blames Jess for the death of her mate Julian Cooper. But then werewolves are emotional creatures and not always logical.
Emotions run high when Lasha asks Jess to work with Iain Trennor, the VIC’s new head of security, and Jess’s former love, to find out why the Alpha’s son Dylan has fallen ill.
Instinct tells Jess and Iain there is something darker going on...

Romantic Suspense

The Common Touch
Brown Wolf Publishing
Only one of them knew about the danger...
His Royal Highness, Prince James Argyle Sandhurst Fleming is third in line to the Riocht Oilean throne. James would be happier if there were several dozen more people between him and that particular mantle. Maybe why he continually shakes off his security to lose himself in the crowd. He too, had a successful military career, until the media’s fascination made life impossible to continue without placing others at risk. While he takes his royal duties seriously, he is bitter about giving up his chosen career. He’s not sure the life of a prince is what he wants. Then he meets Zara.
Major Zara Dare, air force brat from CFB Moose Jaw, home of 15 Wing. Zara followed in her father’s footsteps by joining the air force. Unfortunately she did not attain his pilot status. Her talents lie elsewhere. She always felt the need to make her dad proud, but knew she fell short. Now she has a tough new assignment. While His Royal Highness is attending the international Connaught Ranges annual shooting event in Ottawa, Zara is tasked to be part of his security detail. She must ensure the safety of the outspoken and unpredictable Royal. It would all be fine if she could keep their relationship on a professional footing, but minutes after they meet at the Governor General’s gala, the prince begins changing things to suit him.

Diving in Heart First
Brown Wolf Publishing
Only one of them knew about the danger...
After a nasty break up Maddie Windsor is getting on with her life. Bound for the island of Utila and determined to achieve one of her fondest wishes–to pass her PADI scuba diving basic level.
What Maddie doesn't know is Deke Ellis is also bound for the Utila Dive Lodge. He was ordered to track Maddie by his boss, as a favour for the RCMP. Seven million dollars is missing and so is Alan Greenway, Maddie's ex-boyfriend. If Alan shows his face in Utila, Deke has to stay focused, even if he finds Maddie unbelievably tempting.