Day 3 of NaNoWriMo2016 total word count is 19,289 for Trusting the Wolf, Book 3 - VIC Shapeshifters. Another 50+k to go! Onward!

The Shape of Us - paperback
Paperback on Sale - $8.99 all week! Additional reviews available on Amazon.com https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01CN3PX30

The Shape of Us goes on sale the weekend of Oct. 29
Breaking news! The Shape of Us goes on sale the weekend of Oct. 29, it is a sliding sale. Oct. 29 $0.99 < recommended day to buy!!!...

Reviews of my books can now be found on GoodReads! The covers have been updated no, the Yvonne review isn't me. Heh! Just another lady...

December 3, 2016 Book Signing
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